R + R
Future Proof living
homewares store, Hong Kong, ginger jars ceramics, enamelware, Falcon enamelware, Turkish towles, hong kong home, hongkongshop,
R+R, what is it....? Well, as well as being the initials of our children and as well as standing for rest and relaxation, it also stands for rediscovering and repurposing. This is a curated collection of stuff we have in our lives, that we want to showcase and get other people to have in their lives too, because it's awesome. This is our third baby. It's not really about commerce, but about making a small considered collection of gorgeous things all in one place. Things that ordinarily you would have to trawl all sorts of places, from cool downtown boutiques to flea markets or remote Chinese villages. We are consciously not going to pile high with future landfill, but rather bring together some antiques and hand crafted items along side some new fun products that are more future proof; recycled products and ethically made products. R+R need to have a planet worth living in someday.
100% Cotton